Book Review – Chop Suey Nation
Book Review: Chop Suey Nation: The Legion Café and Other Stories From Canada’s Chinese Restaurants, by Ann Hui, Douglas and [...]
Book Review: Chop Suey Nation: The Legion Café and Other Stories From Canada’s Chinese Restaurants, by Ann Hui, Douglas and [...]
John S. Deas - First BC Commercial Salmon Cannery I’ve enjoyed many walks on the trails of Deas Island Regional [...]
Food Security in 1860s British Columbia Wake-up Jake - still a popular restaurant in Barkerville Lately I have been [...]
Supply management and the food supply chain cannot be taken lightly: history happens as we sit in self-isolation. The Why-farmers-are-dumping-milk-down-the-drain-and-letting-produce-rot-in-fields [...]
"Sweet Spot - The Doukhobor Jam-Making Enterprise" is the first article in a five part historical series by Jonathan Kalmakoff, in [...] A 200-year old flour mill near London, Ontario, has ramped up flour production since the pandemic lockdown began. (The link [...] (Thanks to KB for this link)
Soda Water in BC Drink Thorpe's Soda - BC Provincial Archives As food history researchers we never know what [...]
"It's that comfort of connecting to heritage or connecting to a living thing, a microorganism like yeast...." - CBC News April 6, [...] "Ethyl will thrill you but methyl will kill you"....... Thank you to KB for scouting this out.