Food Politics
Food Security in 1860s British Columbia
Food Security in 1860s British Columbia Wake-up Jake - still a popular restaurant in Barkerville Lately I have been [...]
Food Security in 1860s British Columbia Wake-up Jake - still a popular restaurant in Barkerville Lately I have been [...]
Chocolate – dream or nightmare Beanpod small batch chocolatier, Fernie, BC Probably no food other than chocolate is as [...]
On Strike for “fair” Chocolate In the previous blog, I highlighted the irony that Carol Off considered in her book Bitter [...]
Food From Home to the War Front Food was one way that Canadians at home could support their troops overseas, either [...]
Recipes for Victory Every November our thoughts turn to Remembrance Day and the role food has played during wartime over the [...]
Tilly Rolston and Coloured Margarine Tilly Rolston Champion of Coloured Margarine I noticed the comment “Mrs. Tilly J. Rolston, [...]
Wartime Food November 11, 2018 is the 100th anniversary of the signing of the Armistice that ended World War I (more [...]
Apples and Patriotism In the previous blog I looked at a couple of small apple recipe booklets – one published in [...]
I was going through an old button box the other day when I came across this: Not knowing what it was, [...]
Canadian Cake for the trenches - aka War Cake is a unique recipe that reflects rationing and resourcefulness. A few months [...]