Salal - traditional food plant of the Pacific Northwest Salal is the last traditional food plant I will discuss [...]
Salal - traditional food plant of the Pacific Northwest Salal is the last traditional food plant I will discuss [...]
Evergreen huckleberry - native to BC When I saw this Evergreen Huckleberry bush in my new neighbourhood, I [...]
The wild red flowering currant is native to BC and also a very popular shrub in England. My husband and I [...]
Haida Gwaii Food Gathering and Feasting At 374 pages, A taste of Haida Gwaii, food gathering and feasting at [...]
Butter-making Butter-making used to be a mark of excellent housekeeping for farm women. It requires close attention to sanitation and methodical [...]
“Deep roots, strong branches, the history of Sun-Rype” began as a memoir by Ian Greenwood who was a manager of new [...]
Laura Rose Stephen (1866-1963) had a profound influence on quality and production of dairy products. Until big business took over the [...]
Dendy, David & Kyle, Kathleen (1990). A fruitful century, The British Columbia Fruit Growers’ Association 1889 – 1989. Kelowna, BC: British [...]
Milk Separators The milk separator helped create a source of income for farm wives and the establishment of the dairy industry [...]
It was challenging to sell BC apples in the 1930s. In 1931, based on data from 1926 to 1930, British Columbia led [...]