Sweet Spot – The Doukhobor Jam-Making Enterprise
"Sweet Spot - The Doukhobor Jam-Making Enterprise" is the first article in a five part historical series by Jonathan Kalmakoff, in [...]
"Sweet Spot - The Doukhobor Jam-Making Enterprise" is the first article in a five part historical series by Jonathan Kalmakoff, in [...]
https://lfpress.com/business/local-business/historic-mill-picks-up-flour-slack-from-empty-grocery-store-shelves A 200-year old flour mill near London, Ontario, has ramped up flour production since the pandemic lockdown began. (The link [...]
https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/voraciously/wp/2020/04/15/heres-quarantine-cooking-advice-from-the-ogs-of-thrifty-meals-home-ec-teachers/ (Thanks to KB for this link)
"It's that comfort of connecting to heritage or connecting to a living thing, a microorganism like yeast...." - CBC News April 6, [...]
https://www.cbc.ca/news/covid-19-hand-sanitizer-fact-check-1.5510163 "Ethyl will thrill you but methyl will kill you"....... Thank you to KB for scouting this out.
Kraft Dinner - empty shelves and shopping advice https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/coronavirus/a-single-factory-is-now-working-24-7-to-keep-kraft-dinner-on-grocery-shelves-1.4862199 Happy World Home Economics Day!It's easy to make your own [...]
https://time.com/5771436/space-cookies-experiment-taste/ Astronauts Baked Cookies in Space. What Do They Taste Like? | Time time.com The cookies, baked on the International Space [...]
We are living history. Pop-Eye's favourite food may have changed from spinach to chicken: breakfast may no longer be an immutable [...]
https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/alberta-red-deer-puffed-wheat-candy-history-1.5028308?fbclid=IwAR0W4I-xcwYxF-GgGgqIrYZ7zBF6atYTkhwmALlW8Z9HzDSk4rnKkuZGzCo Puffed wheat squares - Red Deer's claim to fame? BCFHN Facebook had a recipe for puffed wheat candy in 2014: [...]