Elder Flowers have almost finished blooming in the Okanagan Valley but as you gain altitude up Silver Star Mountain the bushes are plentiful and many are yet to bloom. I learned this week about Elderberry Fizz from a friend who was out searching in the early morning for the perfect elderberry blossoms. She says early picking is key in making fizz because that’s when the blossoms have the most pollen, the essential ingredient for the fizz to occur.
Elderberry is native across Canada although the Canadian species differ from those in Europe. Canada has two species and several subspecies. The black elderberry is common at higher altitudes and the blue elderberry is sometimes considered a subspecies of the European species. Regardless all can be used in experimenting with fizzes or cordials.
My friend agreed to share her recipe and photos of the preparation. Another friend sent along a great photo of elder flower blossoms.
Elpel, Thomas J. (2013). Botany in a Day. Pony, Montana: HOPS Press, p. 177.